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first published week of:   04/13/2020

Antivirus for GPS Spoofing and Other Vulnerabilities

by Greg Nichols

The issue is that civilian GPS is, in many ways, a legacy system.

GPS has become critical infrastructure in the modern age, relied on by ground, air, and sea vehicles for navigation. But vulnerabilities to satellite navigation, including spoofing and GPS manipulation, are a potential recipe for catastrophe.

Antivirus software may be a stopgap.

The issue is that civilian GPS is, in many ways, a legacy system.

"Twenty-year-old technology is still in use," Oleg Petrovsky of HPE Security research told Virus Bulletin in an interview about GPS threats. "The problem is that the civilian portion of it was not designed to deal with the current GPS threat landscape. It is important to realize how vulnerable GPS is to malicious attacks."

Among the vulnerabilities, spoofing and GPS modification are particularly harmful. GPS spoofing is an attack in which incorrect signals are broadcast to deceive receivers. GPS manipulation modifies existing GPS signals.

 Read full story at ZDNet