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first published week of:   11/16/2020

10 Ways AI is Making a Difference in the Satellite Industry

by Rachel Jewett and Mark Holmes

Satellite leaders share in their own words how they are using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to make a difference in the industry.

Artificial intelligence is elevating how the satellite industry can be used at scale. Today’s abundance of satellite imagery has huge potential to help companies, investors and governments make critical decisions, but the volume also makes it impossible to manually analyze the trends within each of those pixels. Applying AI helps make sense of this data deluge by automating analysis and even integrating it with other data. My company, Orbital Insight, develops geospatial analytics to reveal previously hidden trends about what’s happening on and to the Earth. We use AI to transform multiple sources of geospatial data — including satellite images, mobile location, connected cars and other Internet of Things (IoT) data — into objective answers about the state of supply chains, global commodities, geopolitical events, and demographics. The goal is more informed decision making.

At Hypergiant, AI Frees Up Human Operators for the Most Critical Work

Currently, we’re implementing ML-based orbit prediction algorithms which we are using to predict the position of satellites and debris in Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) with greater accuracy than other publicly available resources. We’re also implementing object detection, classification, and localization algorithms on the satellites themselves via Convolutional Neural Networks. This gives those satellites the capability to identify and respond to objects they observe with on-board sensors without having to wait for communication from ground stations. Within those ground stations, we’re ingesting telemetry data from the satellites and using that data to classify and predict anomalies using a variety of supervised and unsupervised learning techniques.

 Read full story at Via Satellite