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first published week of:   11/02/2020

Samsung Expects UWB To Be One of the Next Big Wireless Technologies

by KJ Kim, Samsung

Technology is always evolving, but every now and then, a new capability emerges, and we instantly know it’s something special — like Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Samsung believes Ultra-Wideband (UWB) is one such game-changing wireless communication tech, which is why we are working tirelessly to advance and deploy it as quickly as possible. Together with industry leaders, we are striving to accelerate UWB’s broad adoption and implementation across ecosystems.

What Is UWB?

Ultra-wideband (UWB) technology is a short-range, wireless communication protocol that operates through radio waves at very high frequencies. This enables enhanced, highly accurate spatial awareness and directional capabilities that allow mobile devices to better understand their surroundings. UWB ... makes it possible to navigate large spaces with incredible accuracy... . 

Samsung is Driving UWB Forward

Samsung has been making significant investments in UWB technology because we recognize its vast potential to revolutionize the way we use our smart devices to manage our lives. In 2018, we established a full-time task force dedicated to integrating UWB into our products, and soon after, we teamed up with NXP and HID Global to initiate the creation of the FiRa Consortium, an industry organization that promotes the adoption of UWB technology for use cases such as access control, location-based services and device-to-device services.

In the last year, FiRa has grown by leaps and bounds. Its members now hail from over 45 organizations across a vast range of industries, from consumer and enterprise technology to universities and automobile manufacturers. We are developing use cases, defining industry standards and establishing certification programs for interoperability because Samsung is staunchly committed to open collaboration, as it allows us to accelerate the development of cutting-edge technology and bring it to everyone, not just a select few.

 Read full story at Samsung